St. John's Church
The mission of St. John’s Church seeks to establish and maintain within the local community, a Christian congregation to promote a life for worship, to advance the Kingdom of God by all means, both at home and abroad. Our church holds interfaith activities that are open and inclusive, seeking a balance between church and being active in community; examples being food shelf, prayer chain, bible studies, book reading group, and Habitat for Humanity. "St. John’s Church is a community of people who, by God’s grace, are neighborly disciples with mission and purpose, who love others as Christ has loved us."
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In 1957 St. John’s Evangelical and Reformed Church became St. John’s United Church of Christ as a result of a merger. The denominations of the Congregational Christian Church, along with Evangelical and Reformed Church joined to form United Church of Christ. UCC is a distinct and diverse community of Christians that came together as one church. They joined faith and actions and currently are over 5,000 churches with nearly one million members across the U.S. The UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world. The UCC is a church of "firsts," a church of extravagant welcome, and a church where "…they may all be one".
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