St. John's Church
Annual Meeting
St. John’s Church
The St. John’s Church Annual Meeting will be Sunday, January 28, 2024 after our morning service. Anyone submitting reports for the Annual Report please get them in as soon as possible. The Deacons have been working on the 2024 Budget and have presented it to the Consistory for approval for the Annual Meeting. The Consistory also approved the SMAT (Shared Ministry Advisory Team) recommendation to keep our church service time at 8:30am until July and then change for the next 12 months. I am still looking for a Deacon position to be filled for the slate of officers for the Annual Meeting. If anyone is interested, please let me know. We are also strongly looking for a new church Secretary. Judy has graciously filled this position for several years and would like to step away.

God’s grace and peace.
Dale Schmidtknecht
St. John's Church
Annual Meeting

After Worship
303 S Hill Street
Fountain City, WI
In 1957 St. John’s Evangelical and Reformed Church became St. John’s United Church of Christ as a result of a merger. The denominations of the Congregational Christian Church, along with Evangelical and Reformed Church joined to form United Church of Christ. UCC is a distinct and diverse community of Christians that came together as one church. They joined faith and actions and currently are over 5,000 churches with nearly one million members across the U.S. The UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world. The UCC is a church of "firsts," a church of extravagant welcome, and a church where "…they may all be one".
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St. John's Christ | PO Box 130 | 303 S Hill Street | Fountain City, WI. 54629
Fountain City, WI
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